Many people are searching the way of online earning in Nepal. Most of them are still unknown about the real method to earn online, they appeared lost. To earn online in real quantity you indeed need some skills or technical knowledge and without it you cannot earn even a single penny. However for those who do not have any skill or technical knowledge, they can earn some from PTC sites and today I am going to talk about one of these PTC sites and its name is gptplanet.com. At first let us talk about its status.
This site is ranked at 20,888 in Global ranking, bounce rate is 20.6%, daily page view per visitor is 11.8% and daily time on page is 4:58.
Now this site is also like other PTC sites where you can view ads and earn. Likewise, in this site you can rent referrals and use paid to sign up offers.
Similarly, in this site you can withdraw minimum $1 and the payment option is from paypal or payza which is good in context of Nepal.
For more details check out this video:
विजय सर, तपाईले नेपाली भाषामा अनलाइन भिडियो youtube मा राखेर हामी अनलाइन जब सिकर हरुलाई जब गर्न सजिलो पार्न गर्नु भएको प्रयास सर्हानिय छ /कुनै शब्द ले तपाई लाइ मुल्यांकन गर्न सकिदैन /अरु पनि भिडिओ youtube मा राख्नुहोला /अन्तमा तपाई लाइ मेरो तर्फ बाट मुरी मुरी धन्यबाद....